exercising the power of choice
Life is about making choices. Every room we walk into, every interaction we have, we are making a choice. We choose how to react, how to feel and how to proceed.
Sometimes these choices can be life-altering—such as the choice I made to get clean and sober.
This episode of Dear Gabby was recorded during a talk I gave at High Watch Recovery Center. The words and earned wisdom I shared have a special significance for people in recovery, but they can be used by anyone, in absolutely any area of life.
Think about it like this: Choices are not singular events—they accumulate over time, shaping our lives. They become a muscle we can exercise, growing stronger with each use. The more we exercise this muscle of choice, the stronger it becomes, overpowering our fears and enabling us to face life’s challenges.
choosing to check in, not out
When the mechanisms we once used to manage our stressful lives, such as drugs, alcohol, overworking—or even distractions like gaming—no longer serve us, we need to turn inward. Checking in, rather than checking out, becomes our reprieve.
The realization that we already possess all the resources we need to heal can be a profound game-changer … or even better, a life-changer.
how to take lots of little right actions
To quote a dear friend who found success in sobriety and life, lots of little right actions can lead to major outcomes. It’s not the grand, sweeping gestures, but the everyday choices we make that truly have the ability to shape our lives.
in this episode you’ll learn:
- How to feel more empowered by choice
- The simple and effective Choose Again Method
- Ways to release self-judgment and embrace self-compassion
- How to build decision-making strength like a muscle
By listening to this episode, you’ll be introduced to the simple, empowering mindset shift that moves your life in the direction of your choosing.
weekly card reading
I see grace and possibility in all of life’s challenges.

Each challenge we encounter is, in reality, a divine invitation for growth and transformation. Not what you always want to hear, I know! But many obstacles contain unseen gifts, if we give ourselves the grace to let them unfold. This perspective allows us to transform the hardships we encounter into spiritual stepping stones for self-growth.
get more gabby
free manifesting meditation to attract your desires
- Develop a life-changing spiritual practice in just 3 minutes a day with my gabby coaching membership. Try 7 days free!
- For a deeper dive check out my books.
- If you feel you need additional support, please consult this list of safety, recovery and mental health resources. I’m proud of you for your commitment to self-care.
This podcast is intended to educate, inspire, and support you on your personal journey towards inner peace. I am not a psychologist or a medical doctor and do not offer any professional health or medical advice. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical conditions, please seek help from a qualified health professional.