I’m so excited to share my Big Talk with Melissa Wood-Teppeberg! Get ready for profound lessons on overcoming imposter syndrome and achieving massive success … from one of my most inspiring students EVER!
That’s right, Melissa Wood is my student! (Excuse me for the mini-brag, but I am so pumped up by her success.) Over the years, Melissa has used my lessons to manifest a life beyond her wildest dreams.
Here’s a snapshot of Melissa’s life today:
- She’s at the helm of a successful wellness business that helps hundreds of thousands of people—including me!— look and feel their strongest and best. (I use her workouts daily through her platform, MWH. I call it “doing my Melissa.”)
- Her commitment to personal growth and spiritual development radiates from every pore. I mean … check out her GLOW:

And Melissa has done tremendous inner work to soothe her anxiety, heal her wounded parts and become a role model for others struggling with their mental health.
You might be wondering, Gabby, what does that glowing wellness goddess know about overcoming imposter syndrome? It turns out, quite a bit.
As you’ll hear through Melissa’s brave telling of her story on today’s Dear Gabby, things aren’t always as they appear…
overcoming imposter syndrome
About eight years ago, Melissa bought a ticket to my live Spirit Junkie Masterclass. I remember the day well.
I often say that live speaking is my art. When I am on stage delivering spiritual messages, I feel lit from within. I can’t help but dance … and sometimes I even sing! This is me at the Masterclass:

As I spoke, I felt as though angelic forces were working through me. I was in deep spiritual alignment.
As Melissa sat in the audience, she recalls thinking, “I wonder how it feels to feel that good about your body—to feel that good about yourself.”
At the time, Melissa says she was not even scratching the surface of her potential. She wasn’t close to feeling as good as she wanted to feel in her own skin.
And as she looked around the room, Melissa felt like a total imposter. “I was so hung up on the girls in wellness who were there who had bigger followings than me,” she says in today’s Dear Gabby.
“I thought, ‘Why am I going to do this work? They’re already doing it—and they’re doing it successfully. Where is there space for me?’ That was my mentality. That was how I lived my life.”
a quantum shift
But then, Melissa experienced a quantum shift.
Of everything that I taught during that supercharged Spirit Junkie weekend, Melissa says one thing helped to kickstart her radical transformation.
As Melissa listened to my talk, she says, “It helped me identify the thing that was standing in my way: The comparison mode.”
This was a transitional moment for Melissa, and it helped her begin her wildly successful journey toward overcoming imposter syndrome.
I want to acknowledge that what Melissa felt and saw that day was merely a reflection of her. By experiencing the light in me, she remembered who she truly was … and a world of infinite possibilities opened up to her.
a playbook for wild success
Sitting down with Melissa for this conversation was truly a full-circle moment in which the student became the teacher!
tune in to today’s episode to learn:
- The first small right action Melissa took to create massive inner change (she calls this her “experiment with consistency”—and it WORKS!)
- How to exponentially speed up your manifesting practice
- Why this fitness goddess would choose meditation over movement any day … and how to consistently fit both into your day
- The powerful healing benefits of a good cry
- How to cultivate a deep connection with your angelic guides—even if the whole thing sounds woo-woo to you at first
- PLUS, the biggest intention Melissa has in the world right now—and why I pray that every human will share this intention
manifest your own quantum shift
I hope Melissa’s incredible manifesting success story inspires you. And I want you to know this and BELIEVE it with every cell: Melissa’s story can be yours.
Whether you’re on your own journey toward overcoming imposter syndrome, want to feel better in your body and soul, or have a big dream that seems unattainable right now, you can use the exact same tools Melissa used to transform her destiny and step into her purpose in a powerful way.
And just like Melissa, you can have me as your coach!
For the first 21 days of the new year I’ll teach you my most impactful methods for manifesting—and you can practice them all in just 10 minutes a day. The Manifesting Challenge is best experienced through my new Gabby Coaching membership! Check out the details here.
Melissa’s manifesting journey was made up of one small right action at a time. Manifesting a life beyond your wildest dreams doesn’t have to be overwhelming, It doesn’t have to take hard work and hustling. Manifesting can be simple, fun and far more effective than you’ve ever dreamed … and I can help you, every step of the way!
get more gabby
free manifesting meditation to attract your desires
- Develop a life-changing spiritual practice in just 3 minutes a day with my gabby coaching membership. Try 7 days free!
- For a deeper dive check out my books.
- If you feel you need additional support, please consult this list of safety, recovery and mental health resources. I’m proud of you for your commitment to self-care.
This podcast is intended to educate, inspire, and support you on your personal journey towards inner peace. I am not a psychologist or a medical doctor and do not offer any professional health or medical advice. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical conditions, please seek help from a qualified health professional.